The Ebb and Flow of Network Marketing

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No matter how long you’ve been in this business, you will have experienced what I call the “Ebb and Flow of Network Marketing.” It’s simply the highs and lows you experience from dealing with people. We have all experienced it, even the top earners in the network marketing business.

See if this has happened to you. You’ve just made a great presentation to a prospect and, in spite of your being able to neutralize every objection they have put forward, they still don’t sign up. You feel rejected, frustrated, and disappointed. You begin to wonder why you ever got into this business and what you’re doing wrong. You go into a bit of a “funk,” and start to feel sorry for yourself.

After a bit of a lull, you decide to try another presentation to another prospect. This time, they’re ready to sign up almost before you open your mouth. You’re on Cloud 9, you can move mountains, you are master of your domain!

What has happened? You’ve just experienced the “Ebb and Flow of Network Marketing.”

Every MLM distributor goes through it. This emotional ebb and flow is often what stops many network marketers from achieving the financial freedom and security they desire. They let their emotions control how much work they put into the business, and a few “no’s” cause their efforts to diminish. Consequently, their business grinds to a halt.

Successful networkers, however, adopt a posture of emotional equilibrium, not getting too “high” with each success or too “low” with each failure.

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