So, you’ve started a network marketing business. Now what?
Everyone would love to experience fast success. Watching daily or weekly bonus checks roll in is pretty awesome. But what does it take to make that happen?
Understanding how to grow fast in network marketing isn’t that hard. WHAT you need to do is probably already nicely laid out by your company.
Here are four crucial things you need to do consistently if you want to see fast success in your business.
Set a Specific Goal
How do you know if you are successful in your network marketing business if you don’t have a goal?
You have to be able to measure your success. Set a goal that will require some sacrifice, focus and consistent work. But make sure your goal isn’t impossible.
Most people think about the amount of money that would make a significant difference.
However (and this is a BIG however), keep in mind that you are building a business, and that takes TIME. Don’t just “give it a try” or “see how it goes.”
If that’s your plan for success, then don’t bother getting started.
That doesn’t mean that you can’t make a good amount of money quickly, but don’t set a time limit for success. DO set a specific goal, but don’t limit your success.
Even though this is a business, you need to treat it like a job first. Do the up-front work that builds the long-term passive.
Write your goal down and keep it in areas where you will see it often: bathroom mirror, computer lock screen, on your phone, in your wallet or purse, in your car, etc.
You’ll be surprised at how powerful this is. Goals become so much more real if you write them down and look at them often.
It’s also important to track your progress along the way. There WILL be ups and downs, but tracking your actions and results is critical to having fast success in network marketing.
Surround Yourself with Successful Team Leaders and Coaches
This is probably the most important thing you can do outside of specific action steps.
Get to know your team coaches and mentors. Find out how you can help them, and just be around them as often as you can.
You might be rolling your eyes at this, but the importance of getting around successful people is immeasurable. Watch them. Learn from them. Take notes. Ask them questions.
The best way to do that: offer to help at local meetings and business presentations. Set up chairs and tables. Help take down furniture.
Be of service to them FIRST. Trust me, leaders are ALWAYS looking for hungry people who want to succeed.
You can’t help but soak up tips, mindset, and attitude when you are consistently around successful people. Find a “running buddy” who will act as your accountability partner. This gives you someone to bounce ideas off of and set small goals with.
Design a Clear Three-Month Action Plan
Set a three-month goal, and build backwards from there.
Let’s say your goal at the end of three months is to earn a total of #500,000. That’s an average of #166,000 per month and about #41,500 per week.
That’s a pretty attainable goal, but one that will certainly require consistent effort.
Next, break down your action plan into weekly and then daily goals.
Many network marketing companies have weekly bonuses and monthly bonuses paid for reaching specific goals. Figure out what you need to do to generate up-front bonuses that will equal #41,500 per week.
How many customers do you personally need to acquire? How many new team members do you personally need to sponsor or have come into your business every week to generate weekly goal?
A big “secrets to success” in network marketing is that it’s just a numbers game. Once you figure out your goal, just break down the specific action steps you need to take every day and every week to hit those goals.
Invite Two People per Day to Look at the Business Opportunity
OK, so I’m sorta making this number up, but it’s a pretty common goal for fast success in the network marketing industry. And there’s a good reason why…
Inviting two people per day to take a look at your business opportunity is 60 people per month, which is 180 people in three months (remember the three-month action plan). If you had a 10 percent success rate, that would add 18 new business partners within three months.
Of course, some days you will do more, some days you will do less. The point is to keep it consistent. In the beginning, you might do 10 per day.
Speed equals duplication in network marketing. And fast duplication is the best way to have fast success.
Since you’re inviting and following up with so many people, you’ll have to keep track of it all. Use a spreadsheet, written list, or an app on your phone. If you want to succeed fast, you have to keep track of your action. You can’t just keep it all in your head.
Follow up with people within 24 hours. Focus on people who want to work, and help them create duplication.
Did this post help you? If you got value from it or know someone who would, please share it and leave a comment below with your suggestions. And don’t forget to get my DIGITAL NETWORK MARKETING BLUEPRINT if you are still struggling to build your network marketing business online.